C style For loop in Python

A for loop in C/C++/PHP/Java Or many well-known programming language will appear as:

int loopStartVariable = 0;
int loopEndVariable = 5;
for(i=loopStartVariable; i < loopEndVariable; i++){
	// do something with i

Python has no C-style for loop, which is has is for in loop like foreach loop available in PHP.

To achive the same goal as the code snippet written in C above, we may write following code in python:

loopStartVariable = 0;
loopEndVariable = 5;
for i in range(loopStartVariable, loopEndVariable):
	# Do something with i
print "loop ends here"

Free Java Game Code: HangMan Code by Java!

I’ve coded a simple Game by Java – A HangMan Game! To make it interesting, The game is called HangCoder which means, it is played by a programmer! Don’t worry, it only means you will be given words related to programming to guess.

The source code is open and allowed to modify. It is helpful as a quick demonstration of java Swing and AWT components like textboxex, buttons, images and other stuffs. Study the code, modify as you need and make your own Java HangMan!

Download Source From here.

Images: Can be obtained from here (no need to download if you get the zip file above)

How to Install Java JDK & Netbeans in Ubuntu

Every time you make a fresh installation of ubuntu, you need to download large software packages again. So the best way to save time is to download the installer files and store it in a different hard-disk drive. Later, we can simply double-click the installer file to install the application!

This tutorial is not only for Ubuntu Netbook remix. It can be used at any version of Ubuntu 🙂

1. Install JDK

We will use OpenJDK as your default JDK. JDK is needed to develop applications in Netbeans. Alternately, you can use Sun JDK

To install OpenJDK, type in terminal:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk

2. Download Netbeans from Official Site

Now we will download Netbeans. Go to Download link below:

Download page. Choose options you need.

3. Install

When download is completed, you will find a .sh file waiting for you. Give it executable permission- Copy the file to your home directory. Then open a terminal and type:

sudo chmod a+x filename.sh

Now, Simply double click it to install.

Alternately, you can run it from terminal. Copy the file to your home directory. Then open a terminal and type:

sudo sh filename.sh

Of course, replace filename.sh with the filename you just downloaded.

Now, store the large downloaded file to a safe location so that you may use it later, when you re-install Ubuntu!

Regular Expression (regex) Tutorials – 2

Source of Current Topic:

Metacharacters Defined

MChar Definition
^ Start of a string.
$ End of a string.
. Any character (except \n newline)
| Alternation.
{…} Explicit quantifier notation.
[…] Explicit set of characters to match.
(…) Logical grouping of part of an expression.
* 0 or more of previous expression.
+ 1 or more of previous expression.
? 0 or 1 of previous expression; also forces minimal matching when an expression might match several strings within a search string.
\ Preceding one of the above, it makes it a literal instead of a special character. Preceding a special matching character, see below.

Metacharacter Examples

Pattern Sample Matches
^abc abc, abcdefg, abc123, …
abc$ abc, endsinabc, 123abc, …
a.c abc, aac, acc, adc, aec, …
bill|ted ted, bill
ab{2}c abbc
a[bB]c abc, aBc
(abc){2} abcabc
ab*c ac, abc, abbc, abbbc, …
ab+c abc, abbc, abbbc, …
ab?c ac, abc
a\sc a c

Character Escapes http://tinyurl.com/5wm3wl

Escaped Char Description
ordinary characters Characters other than . $ ^ { [ ( | ) ] } * + ? \ match themselves.
\a Matches a bell (alarm) \u0007.
\b Matches a backspace \u0008 if in a []; otherwise matches a word boundary (between \w and \W characters).
\t Matches a tab \u0009.
\r Matches a carriage return \u000D.
\v Matches a vertical tab \u000B.
\f Matches a form feed \u000C.
\n Matches a new line \u000A.
\e Matches an escape \u001B.
40 Matches an ASCII character as octal (up to three digits); numbers with no leading zero are backreferences if they have only one digit or if they correspond to a capturing group number. (For more information, see Backreferences.) For example, the character 40 represents a space.
\x20 Matches an ASCII character using hexadecimal representation (exactly two digits).
\cC Matches an ASCII control character; for example \cC is control-C.
\u0020 Matches a Unicode character using a hexadecimal representation (exactly four digits).
\* When followed by a character that is not recognized as an escaped character, matches that character. For example, \* is the same as \x2A.

Character Classes http://tinyurl.com/5ck4ll

Char Class Description
. Matches any character except \n. If modified by the Singleline option, a period character matches any character. For more information, see Regular Expression Options.
[aeiou] Matches any single character included in the specified set of characters.
[^aeiou] Matches any single character not in the specified set of characters.
[0-9a-fA-F] Use of a hyphen (–) allows specification of contiguous character ranges.
\p{name} Matches any character in the named character class specified by {name}. Supported names are Unicode groups and block ranges. For example, Ll, Nd, Z, IsGreek, IsBoxDrawing.
\P{name} Matches text not included in groups and block ranges specified in {name}.
\w Matches any word character. Equivalent to the Unicode character categories [\p{Ll}\p{Lu}\p{Lt}\p{Lo}\p{Nd}\p{Pc}]. If ECMAScript-compliant behavior is specified with the ECMAScript option, \w is equivalent to [a-zA-Z_0-9].
\W Matches any nonword character. Equivalent to the Unicode categories [^\p{Ll}\p{Lu}\p{Lt}\p{Lo}\p{Nd}\p{Pc}]. If ECMAScript-compliant behavior is specified with the ECMAScript option, \W is equivalent to [^a-zA-Z_0-9].
\s Matches any white-space character. Equivalent to the Unicode character categories [\f\n\r\t\v\x85\p{Z}]. If ECMAScript-compliant behavior is specified with the ECMAScript option, \s is equivalent to [ \f\n\r\t\v].
\S Matches any non-white-space character. Equivalent to the Unicode character categories [^\f\n\r\t\v\x85\p{Z}]. If ECMAScript-compliant behavior is specified with the ECMAScript option, \S is equivalent to [^ \f\n\r\t\v].
\d Matches any decimal digit. Equivalent to \p{Nd} for Unicode and [0-9] for non-Unicode, ECMAScript behavior.
\D Matches any nondigit. Equivalent to \P{Nd} for Unicode and [^0-9] for non-Unicode, ECMAScript behavior.
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