Ubuntu 12.04 Quick User Review

Using Ubuntu 12.04 and quite satisfactory so far! I’ll update this post regularly as I continue using it!

Pros (+)

  1. It’s cool! My Notebook was getting extremely hot and was getting turned off in Ubuntu 11.10. The notebook (Dell Inspiron 14z) is remaining cool most of the time. Even if when it get’s hot, it cools down after some time.
  2. The Network Manager is improved. In previous versions of Ubuntu, network manager could not re-establish a connection if my wireless router was turned off by power failure. But in 12.04, network manager can re-establish WiFi connection after it gets disconnected from wireless router.
  3. The look-&-feel is improved. Window movement, animations are catchy. It’s really looks cool!

Cons (-)

  1. Like previous versions, it happens to freeze – so far it happened once in the week. Everything in the screen just freezes and I have to restart using Power switch.
  2. Skype hangs some time when starting, and after that, it closes. And the whole OS acts weird. I can not find apps searching in the launcher, the problem only solves after I log-out & log-in again.

Collaborating using git: make merging less painful!

Hi, I’m Shafiul! Me along with Ibrahim & Sifat are working in a project which we maintain using git. We’ve decided to follow a simple protocol to merge our works effeciently in a painless way!

All of us will work in our own branches (learn first about branching if you’re not familiar with it). At the end of the day, the one who finishes his work after the rest of the team, should merge all of our works!

Say, after working all day long, I figured out Ibrahim was still working before I went to bed. So it became Ibrahim’s due responsibility to merge everyone’s work 🙂

The first step is: create a new branch for you, where only you will work, and no one else will touch.

Create a new Branch named “shafiul”:

git branch shafiul

To work in this branch, I need to check-out to work in this branch:

git checkout shafiul

While working, Commit any time:

git add -A
git commit -m "Message"

When you’re done, push your commits to the server:

git push origin shafiul:shafiul

Note the command: It pushes your commits made in local “shafiul” branch to origin’s (server’s) “shafiul” branch.

Like me, Ibrahim & Sifat has also crated their own branches named “ibrahim” & “sifat” and they’re working in their branches.

Merging everybody’s work

The one who will be merging has to do followings:
First, download everyone’s commits from origin (server) to his local machine:

git fetch origin shafiul:shafiul
git fetch origin ibrahim:ibrahim
git fetch origin sifat:sifat

Now time to merge. Check-out to master branch. With this branch, we will merge all other branches.

git checkout master

Now merge all other branches with master:

git merge shafiul
git merge ibrahim
git merge sifat

Cool! master is now merged with everyones code (Congratulations if no conflicts has occurred. But don’t get panicked if conflicts occur, to learn how to resolve conflicts, see the end of this article) – now Push your local “master” to origin (server):

git push origin master:master

Everyone’s duty: Update your branches…

The next day, before working, everyone should update their branches. First, everyone needs to pull updated “master” branch from origin (server) and merge it with your local copy of master branch:

git checkout master
git pull origin master:master

Now your local copy of master branch is updated. Finally, checkout to your own branch and merge it with updated master:

git checkout shafiul
git merge master